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madeeasy 12:03 Thu Apr 14
Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
See the government are looking to send immigrants to Rwanda to be processed.

Obviously the left are up in arms and headlines of, cost of a one way ticket more than putting up in the Ritz has started.

What's your views? Personally I don't see what their problem is. If they are that much at risk, I am sure they would be happy that the Government has sent them to a safe environment, after going through 20 odd other countries that they still may have been at harms way in, after leaving their original destination.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 8:56 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
These migrants come from the EU. Full stop.

No discussion needed; that is from where they departed to arrive in the UK.

The British government needs to name that particular elephant in the room then let the apologists argue otherwise. These are migrants from the EU.

No question of 100% denying them entry; they just need to follow the channels others have to first to prove they have that right - or is that not what should happen?

wansteadman 8:55 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Idiots on the news saying immigrants should go through the asylum process to enter the uk in France. What the fuck do they think they will do if they don’t get permission to come here, go home or jump on a boat.

GreenStreetPlayer 8:05 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Good point Mike and seems like migrants give the vote of confidence to this country over the EU which they have passed through.
That should speak volumes to the EU, but the leaders there themselves know what a scam it is.

Mike Oxsaw 7:47 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
I'm trying to work out how the UK can ever be the first country they come to, wherever they travel from. It's as if the "more compassionate" amongst us decide that doesn't count in their effort to tick their own boxes.

I would have thought that the EU would (post Brexit) be doing everything in their power to convince migrants that the EU rather than the UK is the preferable end destination, but that seems not to be the case.

riosleftsock 7:38 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda

Legal migrants coming to UK can apply at the british consul in their country (they have to). I appreciate someone fleeing a war zone or being persecuted (genuinely) might not be able to wait, so they should make other arrangements via the first neighbouring country

Mike Oxsaw 7:22 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Fo the Communist 6:45 Thu Apr 14

To be quite honest, I don't give a shit where the processing takes place - why the fuck should that matter whether someone has the right of entry or not?

Approved, they're made welcome, not approved, go to the back of the queue, wherever that process takes place.

Why not have the whole process take place in their country of birth, at the British Embassy, before they leave? Surely that's fair, no?

As for the price?

Signalling that Rwandans following the formal immigration process to get entry into the UK is the ideal message to be sent out. Maybe other countries should give it thought.

Texas Iron 7:21 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Is this for all immigrants…

…or just from Africa…???

Texas Iron 7:21 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Is this for all immigrants…

…or just from Africa…???

Texas Iron 7:21 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Is this for all immigrants…

…or just from Africa…???

COOL HAND LUKE 7:10 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Wind and piss, can't see it ever getting off the starting grid here in the UK.
We should just use the Oz mantra for these people:
"Fit In, or Fuck Off"

Better still, don't turn up in the first place...

Fo the Communist 6:45 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda

I'm merely saying I'd like to know more about the entire process before rushing to judgement either way.

I would imagine many of those saying it is a good idea hadn't reckoned on the trade-off being the UK having to accommodate an unspecified number of Rwanda's most vulnerable citizens. Does that sit well with you?

easthammer 6:43 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
I perhaps overstated that a similar had "failed" in Australia perhaps it would be more correct to say it hadn't fully worked


And of course I guess the nature of the illegal immigration is not exactly the same here as there.

But the point I make is that sending illegal immigrants to Rwanda won't solve the problem. And I am sure just like it did in Australia such a policy will please a lot of people here, despite achieving very little.

Mike Oxsaw 6:40 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
At least they're getting processed rather than sitting in a damp warehouse in Dover for several months.

Do you NOT want the process to happen?

Fo the Communist 5:29 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
My first thought was 'what's in this for Rwanda'?

Now, according to Sky: "The MOU (with Rwanda) also says the UK will resettle "a portion of Rwanda's most vulnerable refugees" in the UK.

eric5bellies 5:27 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
People in Australia do not regard this as a failure BTW. It is a very popular measure

eric5bellies 5:25 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
The Australian government is the envy of the world in this regard. They do not fuck around. Come here and we will deport you whereby you take your place in the que.

riosleftsock 5:22 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
"Similar policies have failed in Australia"

When they turned the boats around or towed them to the island, zero illegal immigrants arrived by boat afterwards.

If you arrive here illegally, you should be treated as a lawbreaker, punished and deported after taking their biometrics and informing them they have no future right to appeal or to re-apply

eric5bellies 5:17 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Sitting here waiting for your reply Solid......

eric5bellies 5:11 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
The snowflake is us. Not them

eric5bellies 5:10 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
Why is it that European nations have to settle these people !

eric5bellies 5:08 Thu Apr 14
Re: Sending Immigrants to Rwanda
And let put the Africans aside for one moment. Lets concentrate on the people from the middle east. Yeah we know they are looking for a better life. As are we all. But where are all the oil rich Middle Eastern countries in this ? Qatar, UAE, Saudi ? Why don't they settle people there ? Tell me please

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